By Riley Galligher and Samantha Tanner This is part 2 of our series “A Guided Tour of Disinformation Policy”. To read the first part, click here. The rise of disinformation has become a prominent concern and topic of discussion among the public, while its...
By Riley Galligher and Samantha Tanner In the digital age, the internet has reshaped the way we produce, share, and come to believe information. As the internet became a major center for information exchange, it also became a key target of disinformation. Information...
“Three Books to Learn About Corporate Disinformation” is a paper written by team members of Team #Boycott Biz in Spring 2023. Three Books to Learn About Corporate Disinformation Misha Simanovskyy, Ksenija Angelina Braese, Abigail Eichenberg (#BoycottBiz)...
Part 4 of a 5 part seriesPart 1: So What is the Cyber Threat from China, Exactly?Part 2: The Chinese Cyber Threat to the United States of America Part 3: The CCP Cyber Threat to Taiwan Written by Akemi Hosoya and Devon Hsiao Since 2001, the Chinese Communist Party...
Introduction Generative Artificial Intelligence (generative AI) took the world by storm with recent innovations like ChatGPT. Disinformation experts raised alarm bells in news articles such as this one from the New York Times about the potential for nefarious agents...
Part 3 of a 5 part seriesPart 1: So What is the Cyber Threat from China, Exactly?Part 2: The Chinese Cyber Threat to the United States of America Taiwan has been a primary target of a wide range of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) cyber operations in the past twenty...